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MONOGRAPH #2 The Academy of Accounting Historians
Paperback, 84 pages $4.50
Box 6999 University, AL 35486

Accounting’s Man of Principles
William Cooper Yuji Ijiri

A memorial tribute to Eric Louis Kohler (1892 – 1976), and a comprehensive history of accounting from the 1920s to the present. A compilation of articles by the practitioners and scholars who shaped the economic events and accounting policies of the 20th century.


October, 1978 Publishing Co., Inc.
256 pages 11480 Sunset Hills Rd.
cloth Reston, Virginia 22090
$12.95 703 437-8900
R1773-2 A Prentice-Hall Company



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Accounting History Areas of Interest
Our fiscal year ends December 31.
Annual Dues $10.00
Subscription — Accounting Historians Journal 1-year $ 5.00
Contribution to Support Doctoral research
3rd Congress
Total enclosed $
Mail to: The Academy of Accounting Historians P.O. Box 6999 University, AL 35486


Reprinted and Now Available
Monograph # 1
A Reference Chronology of Events Significant to the Development
of Accountancy in the United States
by Knight, Previts & Ratcliffe
paperback — 102 pp. $3.00
Order from: The Academy of Accounting Historians
Box 6999 University, Alabama 35486


by Michael Chatfield

This book is recognized, by scholars and librarians, as a standard reference work on accounting history.
The original edition has now been biblio-graphically updated in each chapter and is again available for business school majors, accounting specialists, economists and history majors.
Orig. ed. 1974 Revised ed. 1977
320 pp. Hard Cover $16.50
Paperback $9.50

KRIEGER Publishing Co.. Inc. 645 N.Y. Ave., Huntington, N.Y. 11743


under the auspices of The Academy of Accounting Historians
The University of Alabama Press Gary John Previts, Series Editor
Volume 1 S. Paul Garner Evolution of Cost Accounting to 1925
$6.50 430 pp. paperback edition. November, 1976.
ISBN 0-8173-8900-8
Volume 2 James Don Edwards, History of Public Accounting in the United States
$7.50 368 pp. paperback edition. August, 1978. ORDER NOW
The University of Alabama Press
Box 2877 University, Alabama 35486


Professor Edward N. Coffman, of Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, is Editor of The Academy’s working paper series.
The series currently includes 34 titles (see list) and represents an effective means of circulating preliminary research or topics for critique by others qualified and interested in doing so. Manuscripts for the series, and questions relating to format should be submitted to Professor Coffman, School of Business, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va. 23284.

The manuscript submitted should be in conformity with the format rules described in the April, 1973 Accounting Review, with all footnotes at the end in a listing. Material should be submitted in a final form suitable for clean reproduction. Manuscripts from eight to thirty pages in length are deemed most appropriate for this series. Copies of the working papers are provided free upon request to members. There is a service cost price of §2.00 per copy to non-members.

1. The CPAs Professional Heritage, Pan I. by 17. Evidential Matter Pertaining to the Histori-
John L. Carey. cal Development of the Concept of Disclo-
2. The Audit of Historical Records as a Learn- sure and its Uses as a Teaching Aid, by
ing Device in Studying the Environment and Hans V. Johnson.
Socio-Economic Influences on Accounting, 18. The Study of Accounting History, by Vahe
by Richard H. Homburger. Baladouni.
3. The Accounts of Ancient Rome, by Kenneth 19. The Evolution of Pooling of Interests Ac-
S. Most. counting: 1945-190, by Frank R. Rayburn.
4. Survey of the Development of Auditing in 20. The Evolution of Corporate Reporting Prac-
Germany, by Rosa-Elizabeth Gassmann. tices in Canada, by George J. Murphy.
5. The CPA’s Professional Heritage, Part II, 21. Early Greek Accounting on Estates (Fourth
by John L. Carey. Century B.C.), by George J. Costouros.
6. A Chronological Index for John L. Carey’s 22. The Traditional Accounting Systems in the
The Rise of the Accounting Profession, Vol. Oriental Countries — Korea, China, Japan,
I, 1896-1936, by Gary John Previts. by Jong Hyeon Huh.
7. The State of Bookkeeping in Upper Ger- 23. The Evolution of Ethical Codes in Account-
many at the time of the Fuggers and ing, by J. C. Lambert and S. J. Lambert.
Welsers, by Hermann Kellenbenz. 24. The Oldest Book on Double Entry Book-
8. A Chronological Index for John L. Carey’s keeping in Germany, Kiyoshi Inoue.
The Rise of the Accounting Profession, Vol. 25. An Annotated Bibliography for Historical
II, 1937-1970, by Gary John Previts. Research in Cost Accounting, by Edwin Bar-
9. A Bibliography on the Relationship between tenstein.
Scientific Management and Standard Cost- 26. The Role of Academic Accounting Research:
ing, by Marc J. Epstein. An Historical Perspective, Eric Flamholtz.
10. A Significant Year (1893) in the History of 27. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions and
Bookkeeping in Japan, by Kojiro Nishikawa. its Implications for the Development of Ac-
11. Historical Development of Early Accounting counting Policy, by Diana Flamholtz.
Concepts and Their Relation to Certain 28. Development of Accounting in Hungary
Economic Concepts, by Maurice S. New- from 1945, by R. L. Scholcz, President
man. Hungarian Association of Auditors.
12. Thirty-six Classic Articles from the 1905- 29. Historic Origins of the Purchase vs. Pooling
1930 Issues of the Journal of Accountancy, of Interests Problem, by Wesley T. Andrews,
by Richard Vangermeersch, The University 30. Current Efforts to Develop a Conceptual
of Rhode Island. Framework for Financial Accounting and
13. The Development of The Theory of Contin- Reporting, by William G. Shenkir.
uously Contemporary Accounting, by R. J. 31. Influence of Nineteenth and Early Twen-
Chambers, The University of Sydney. tieth Century Railroad Accounting on De-
14. The CPA’s Professional Heritage, Part III, velopment of Modern Accounting Theory,
(Accounting Education), by John L. Carey. by James L. Boockholdt, University of
15. Two Papers on the History of Valuation Houston.
Theory (I. Management Behavior on Orig- 32. The Historical Development of Standard
inal Valuation of Tangible and Intangible Costing Systems Until 1920. by Nathan
Fixed Assets, and II. The Significance of Kranowski, Radford College.
Write-Ups of Tangible Fixed Assets in the 33. The CPA’s Professional Heritage, Part IV,
1920’s), by Richard Vangemeersch. “The Birth of the SEC”, by John L. Carey.
16. The Golden Anniversary of One of Account- 34. The Evolution of Accounting Theory in
ing History’s Mysterious Contributors: Al- Europe from 1900 to the Present Day and
bert DuPont, by Gary John Previts and S. its implications on industrial management
Paul Garner. of tomorrow, by Paul Weilenmann.


A Reprint Collection
1. DE ROOVER, Raymond, Le Livre de Comptes de Guil-
hum Ruyelle, Changeur à Bruges (1369). [Extrait des Annales
de la Société d’Emulation de Bruges, Tome LXXVlll] Réim-
pression 1977. Bruges,1934. pp. l5-95 (81p.) Cloth $12.50
2. DE WAAL, P.G.A., De Engelsche Vertaling van Jam Impyn’s
Nieuwe Instructie. (Economisch-Historisch Jaarboek: Bijdragen
tot de Economische Geschiedenis van Nederland uitgegeven
door De Vereenging het Nederlandsch Economisch Historisch
Archif, Achttiende Dee l, 1934] Reprinted 1977. ‘s-Gravenhage,
1934. 58p. Cloth $12.50
ch Historisch
. ‘s-Gravenhage, Cloth $12.50
3. HÜGLI, Franz, Die Buchhaltungs-Systeme und Buchhal-
tungs-Formen: Ein Lehrbuch der Buchhhaltung. Mit über
hundert Formularen und zwei Holzschnitten. Neudruck 1977.
Bern. 1887. xii, 680 S. Ln. $69.50
4. KEMPIN, W., Vom Geist der Buchführung. Neudruck 1977.
Köln. 1910. 192 S. Ln. $24.00
5. LION, Max, Geschichtliche Betrachtungen zur Bilanztheorie
bis zum Allgeminen deutschen Hadelsgesetzbuch. Neudruck
1977. Berlin, 1928. iii, 39 S. Ln. $12.50
6. MURRAY, David, Chapters in the History of Bookkeeping,
Accountancy and Commercial Arithmetic. Reprinted 1977.
Glasgow. 1930. viii, 519p. Cloth $39.50
7. NlRRNHElM, Hans(Bearb.), Das Handlungsbuch Vickos
von Geldersen. Hrsg. vom Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte.
Neudruck 1977. Hamburg/Leipzig, 1895. lxxix, 199 S.
Ln. $31.50
8. SIEVEKING, Heinrich, Die Casa di S. Giorgio. [Genueser
Finanzwesen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Casa di S.
Giorgi, .II] Neudruck 1977. Freiburg,, 1899. xvi. 259 S.
Ln. $30.00
9. STROOMBERG, J., Sporen van Bockhouding voor Paciolo.
[Overdruk uit J. G. Ch Volmer: Van Boekhouden tot
Bedrijfsleer, een Bundel opstellen ter Gelegenheid van zijn
Vijfentwintig Jarig hoogleeraarschap door oud-studenten
boden ] Reprinted ^77 Woessen, 1934. pp. 246-269.
aangeb (24p.)
ntwintig >,bodenj
Cloth $12.50
10. VLAEMMINCK, Joseph-H., Histoire et Doctrines de la
Comptabilité. [Université Catholique de Louvain. Faculté
des Sciences Economiques et Sociales. Collection des L’Ecole
des Sciences Economiques, No. 52] Reimpression 1977.
Bruxelles, 1956. 231p. Cloth $27.50
SERIES I Available – Previously Announced
1. ANYON James T., Recollections of The Early Days of
American Ac coutancy 1883-1893. New York 1925. Reprint.
ed 1974. 68p. Cloth $12.50
2. CRIVELLI, Pietrod, An Original Translation of the Treatise
on Double-Entry Book-Keeping by Frater Lucas Pacioli.
London 1924. Reprinted 1974. XVIII, 125p. Cloth $21.50
3. GREEN, Wilmer L., History and Survey of Accountancy.
Brooklyn 1930. Reprinted 1974. 288p. Cloth $25.00

4. JÄGER, Ernst Ludwig, Die altesten banken und der
Ursprung des Wechsels: Supplement. Stuttgart 1881. Neudruck
1974. VIII, 91 S. Ln. $12.50
5. JÄGER, Ernst Ludwig, Die Berechtigung der einfachen
Buchhaltung gegenüber der italienischen. Dritte, durch die
Geschichte der Buchhaltung und deren Unterwendung aufdie
Landwirtschaft, sowie bezüglich des kaufmännischen Theils
vermehrte Aufl. Stuttgart 1868. Neudruck 1974. IV, I47S.
Ln. $21.50
6. JÄGER, Ernst Ludwig, Der Traktat des Lucas Paccioli von
1494 über den Wechsel: Vortrag gehalten am 22. März 1878
vor dem kaufmännischen Vereine von Stuttgart. Stuttgart
1878. Neudruck 1974. 40 S. Ln. $12.50
7. JÄGER, Ernst Ludwig, Der Wechsel am Ende des 15.
Jahrhunderts: Ein Beitrag zum Paccioli-Jubiläum1494-1894.
Stuttgart l895. Neudruck 1974. 29 S. + 1. Ln. $12.50
8. KHEIL, Carl Peter, Benedetto Cotrugli Raugeo: Ein Beitrag
zur Geschichte der Buchhaltung. Wien 1906. Neudruck 1974.
36 S. Ln. $12.50
9. PERAGALLO, Edward, Origin and Evolution of Double
Entry Book-keeping: A Study of Italian Practice from the
Fourteenth Ccntury. New York 1938. Reprinted 1974. 156p.
Cloth $32.50
10. SIEVEKING. Heinrich, Aus Genueser Rechnungs- und
Steuer-büchern: Ein Beitrag zur mittlelalterlichen Handels und
Vermögensstatistik. Wien 1909. Neudruck 1974. 110 S.
Ln. $13.00
11. SIEVEKING, Heinrich, Genueser Finanzwesen vom 12. bis
14. Jahrhundert. Leipfzig/Tübingen 1898. Neudruck 1974.
XV, 219 S. Ln. $24.50
12. WOOLF, Arthur H., A Short History of Accountants and
Accountancy. London 1912. Reprinted 1974. XXXI. 254p.
Cloth $21.

SERIES II Available – Previously Announce

1. DE WAAL, P.G.A., Van Paciolo tot Stevin: Een Bijdrage tot de Leer van het Boekhouden in de Mderlanden Roermond 1927. Reprinted 1975 IX. 318p. Cloth $28.50

2. ELDRIDGE, H. J., The Evolution of the Science of Book keeping. Second Edition by Leonard Frankland. London 1954. Reprinted 1975. 70p. Cloth $12.50

3. GEIJSBEEK, John B., Ancient Double-Entry Bookkeeping: Lucas Pacioli’s Treatise (A. D. 1494 – The Earliest Known Writer on Bookkeeping) Reproduced and Translated with Reproductions, Notes and Abstracts from Manzoni, Pietra, Ympyn, Stevin and Dafforne. Denver, 1914. Reprinted 1975. IV, 182p. Folio. Cloth $38.50

4. GOMBERG, Léon, Histoire critique de la Théorie des Comptes. Genève 1929. Reprinted 1975. 88p. Cloth $12.50

5. LEYERER, C., Theorie und Geschichte der Buchhaltung: Ein Leitfaden. Brünn 1919. Neudruck 1975. 40 S. Ln. $12.50

6. SIEVEKING, Heinrich, Aus venetianische Handlungs-
büchern: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Grosshandels im 15.
Jahrhundert. [Jahrbuch für Gesetzgebung. Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft im Deutschen Reich: Neue Folge. 25.-26. Jahrg.] Leipzig, 1901/2. Neudruck 1975. 72 S. Ln. $12.50

7. SYKORA, Gustav, Systeme. Methoden und Formen der Buchhaltung: Von ihren Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart. Wien, 1952. Neudruck 1975. 114 S. Ln. $13.00

Please send your orders to:

NIHON SHOSEKI , LTD. • 2-11, Esakacho 2-chome, Suita City, Osaka 564, Japan



The Accounting Review is the official journal of the American Accounting Association, and is published quarterly. The Asso-ciation is a voluntary organization of persons interested in ac-counting education and research. Membership in the Association entails annual dues of US$25 for residents of the United States and Canada and US$12 for others. Libraries may take out subscriptions to the Review. All communications regarding membership and subscriptions should be sent to the American Accounting Association, 653 S. Orange Avenue, Sarasota, Florida 33577 (Note: As of November 1, 1978, the address will be 5717 Bessie Drive, Sarasota, Florida 33583).



The Pollution Control Tax Incentive: A Non-Incentive Loren A. Nikolai and Rick Elam
The Effects of Lifo Inventory Costing on Resource Allocation: A Public Policy Perspective Robert Halperin
The Forecasting Ability of Accounting Risk Measures: Some Additional Evidence Robert K. Eskew
The Case Against Separation of Current Operating Profit and Holding Gain
Prem Prakash and Shyam Sunder
The Nature of Income Measurement
William H. Beaver and Joel S. Demski
Understanding and Acceptance of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis and Its Accounting Implications Alan P. Mayer-Sommer
Demand for Social Responsibility Information by University Investors
Stephen L. Buzby and Haim Falk


Number 31 Summer 1978
A research quarterly published by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants
in England and Wales
Editor: Professor R. H. Parker, University of Exeter


The Effect of a Merger on the Share Price of the Attacker
Segmental Disclosure by Multibusiness Multinational Companies: a Proposal
A Reinstatement of the Accounting Rate of Return
Communication in the Corporate Bud-getary System
Current Cost Accounting as a Surrogate for Dividend Paying Ability
Statement of Accounting Theory and Theory Acceptance
Book Reviews Notes on Contributors

Paul Barnes
C. R. Emmanuel S. J. Gray
M. J. Mepham
Lee D. Parker
J. Timothy Sale Robert W. Scapens
K. V. Peasnell

Subscriptions (U.K.: £12.00; Overseas: £15.00, $29.00; Airmail Overseas: £18.00 $35.00) should be sent to City House, 56-66 Goswell Road, London EC1M 7AB, England.


The Academy of Accounting Historians invites manuscripts on subjects related to accounting history for The Accounting Historians Journal. Articles should have scholarly merit and present an original contribution to the knowledge in the field. Articles presenting the results of research from primary sources will be given preference. All articles will be reviewed by two or more members of the Editorial Board. The journal is scheduled to appear each Spring and Fall.

Manuscripts should be in English and of acceptable style and organization for clarity of presentation. Submit three copies double spaced on 8V2 x 11 inch paper. The manuscript should not exceed 5,000 to 7,000 words. The title page should contain name of author, affiliation and address for further correspondence. The title should reappear on the first page of the manuscript but the author should not be identified.

Tables and figures should be numbered, titled and presented in reproducable form. Limited use of original documents etc. can be accommodated in the Journal at modest additional cost to the author by submitting camera-ready copy. Important textual materials may be presented in both the original language together with the English translation.

Footnote numbers must be referenced within the article in sequence. The bibliography should contain full reference to sources arranged in alphabetical order by author. Informational footnotes are to be presented at the bottom of the page referenced by letters and should be limited in size and number. Consult a previous number of the Journal for examples.
Proofs. Galley proofs will be sent to the author as permitted by scheduling but additions of new material must be strictly limited and excessive alterations will be charged to the author. Ten copies of the Journal on publication will be provided to the author.

Abstract. An abstract of the article will precede the printed article, and should be submitted with all manuscripts. Abstract should not exceed 100 words.
Reprints. Authors may order reprints with covers of their articles from the printer. Costs of these are billed directly to the author by the printer. Minimum order 100, prices to be established by printer.

Submit manuscripts to:

Professor Williard E. Stone University of Florida Bryan Hall Gainesville, FL 32611
Subscription can be obtained at the annual rate of $5.00 (for members) or $7.50 (for non-members) by sending orders to: Historians Journal, Drawer HJ, University, AL 35486, or by writing the Secretary of the Academy and paying the subscription in addition to dues.